Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Can it be? 
A year has passed since Gibbo slid down the globe and boarded a prop jet in Johannesburg for the two-hour run to Botswana, where his life would change forever. You can't take a trip like that and not have a heart change and a life change. It's not the thrill of a trip to a foreign country. Gibbo has visited many countries in his lifespan. (Not that he's old, mind!) He never stops traveling from country to country, and who knows what the future holds for him. So what is it?

Lesley Boggs, Director of Coaching for Conservation (C4C), said it best after Gibbo's last year's visit to a village called Maun.

Not everyone gets it. But Paul, in a quiet, caring, and gracious way, simply fell into step and put into place the pieces of the puzzle that were missing to make the parts of the whole come together. His eyes give away his warm heart. . .  We look forward to next July already to hear the chants of  Gib-bo, Gib-bo— 

Well, it's time!

The children of Botswana will soon hear the voice of their hero once more, and we can hardly wait to read the story when he returns. 

Speaking of reading the story—we are almost there. And I'm being as positive as I know how, in consideration of my client, a certain Mr. Gibbons. Yes, we have written the last word of his story. Paul is reviewing the chapter I just sent him; we will meet on the Nature Coast when he returns from Africa; and it will be off to an agent or a publisher. I cannot wait to get this book out there to his fans (and mine). We will be making some announcements soon, and I hope you are as excited as we are.

Thanks for staying with us on this blog. We know we have many readers out there. I see the stats every day, and it is amazing the countries that hit our site on a daily basis. Please take a moment to respond right here and sign on so we can come to know you. You are the reason we do this.

The blog will continue for awhile until Gibbo gets so "world class" that he will leave this writer eating his dust. It has been a grand almost two years, a long time coming, and 82,000 words later, we are bringing it to a close so you can get your hands on it.

Thanks, again, for reading. It has been a most interesting ride for this southern girl, writing life story for "the little Viking"! He's our hero.

Jane Bennett Gaddy, Ph.D.
Writer for GIBBO

Posted 11th June 2011 by


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